
佛山,禅城,季华五路2023-01-03 16:01:29
17 次浏览洛德英语外语培训
科目:口语 价格:1122元 公司名称:佛山市洛德教育信息咨询有限公司 具体地点:京禅大厦12楼 联系人:黄老师 微信号:18038632620 佛山寒假哪里有英语学?禅城英语学习 热烈祝贺神舟十五发射成功!It’s such a breakthrough of China’s space history! In recent days, a good news spread in China rapidly. The Shenzhou-******************************************************************************th. One of the historically important tasks of three astronauts onboard is to meet with their colleagues on the country's space station and conduct a work handover. 近日,一个好消息迅速传遍中华大地。神舟十五载人航天飞船于11月29日晚上成功发射升空。三位航天员将要执行其中一项历史性的重要任务,就是与在中国空间站的同事实现“太空会师”并进行工作交接。 The Shenzhou-15 astronauts will, for the first time in China's space history, conduct an in-orbit rotation with the Shenzhou-14 crew, who were sent to the space station in June. Besides, duiring their six months mission, Major General Fei Junlong, Senior Colonel Deng Qingming and Senior Colonel Zhang Lu will carry out tests related to long-term residence in China's space station. 神舟十五的航天员将与在六月份登陆空间站的神舟十四航天员乘组一起实现中国航天史上首次在轨轮换。另外,在接下来六个月的任务里,指令长费俊龙、大校邓清明和大校张陆也将进行多项关于长期居住在中国空间站的相关测试。 Since Shenzhou-14 crew has stayed in the space station for about six months, the astronauts Chen Dong, Liu Yang and Cai Xuzhe may come back to earth in the beginning of December. What’s more, Shenzhou-16 spaceship is planned to be launched in the coming year. 神舟十四乘组已经在空间站驻留了差不多六个月的时间,航天员陈冬、刘洋和蔡旭哲有望于十二月初返回地球。另外,神舟十六也计划于来年发射升空。
佛山寒假哪里有英语学?禅城英语学习 - 图片 1
佛山寒假哪里有英语学?禅城英语学习 - 图片 2
佛山寒假哪里有英语学?禅城英语学习 - 图片 3